Gifts to The Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen support our amazing Outreach Programs designed to bring art into the lives of those who would otherwise not have these enriching experiences.  Click here to read more about how we are touching our community.

There are several ways for you to support The Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen and share your love for the arts with others.


Make a credit card gift on our secure site. Your gift can be one-time or you can set up a recurring gift.

By Phone

Make a credit card gift over the phone by calling the development office at 804-261-6214.

By Mail

Mail your check to:

The Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen
Attn. Development Office
P.O. Box 1249
Glen Allen, VA 23060

Gifts of Stocks, Bonds or other Securities

Gifts of appreciated stocks allow you to make a substantial gift to CACGC at minimal cost. You will receive a tax deduction based on the value of the transferred securities and may be able to avoid capital gains taxation.

Securities can be transferred directly to The Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen.

Brokerage: Davenport and Company in Richmond, VA
Broker: Bucci Zeugner, (804) 780-2087
DTC: 0715
Account: 21399278

Please reference the donors name when making gifts of stock. Additional questions can be directed to Amy Holland, CFRE, Development Director - (804) 261-6214.

Matching Gifts

Does your company have a Matching Gift program?  Over 1,000 companies match the gifts of current employees, spouses, and/or retirees.

If you need assistance in completing matching gift paperwork, please contact Amy Holland, CFRE, at 804-261-6214 or by email at development@artsglenallen.com.

We are grateful for your contribution and for your additional efforts to support The Center as we build an even stronger arts community for everyone to enjoy.

You could increase your annual gift to CACGA if you or your spouse works for or has retired from a company with a matching gift program. Not sure? Contact your human resources office for the appropriate form or web link to begin the process. We’ll take care of the rest.

Matching Gift Companies*

Bank of America
Chubb & Son, Inc.
Cigna Foundation
Coca-Cola Company
Erie Insurance Group
Ericsson, Inc.
Exxon Mobil
IBM Corporation
Johnson & Johnson
Lexis Nexis
Markel Corporation
McGraw Publishing
Merck and Company, Inc.
Nationwide Insurance
Northrup Grumman
The Guardian Life Insurance Company
TRW, Inc.

*This is not a complete listing.  Please contact your human resources office for complete details. Search here for more information.

Memorial and Honorific Gifts

Gifts made in memory or in honor of friends, family and community leaders are an exceptional way to pay tribute to someone special.  Memorial and honorific gifts are recognized by The Center to the special person or their family to let them know of the gift.

Shop & Give

Amazon Smile® gives online shoppers a simple way to support their favorite organizations! Click here to link your Amazon account to CACGA and your purchases will result in a donation to support the arts!

Kroger Community Rewards® makes giving easy! All you have to do is visit www.kroger.com/communityrewards to sign up, choose The Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen as your designated recipient, then shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card! Kroger will make a donation to The Cultural Arts Center with every purchase when you swipe your Plus Card that is linked to The Cultural Arts Center! It only takes about 2 minutes to sign up. We hope you’ll sign up today!


Gifts made from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024
* denotes donors who have given 5 years consecutively or longer

Gifts of over $50,000

County of Henrico*

Virginia Commission for the Arts*


Gifts of $10,000 - $49,999

Dominican Sisters of Hope

Genworth Financial

Hamilton Beach

Production Team of Coming Back Home


Gifts of $5000 - $9999

Gerry and K Alferio*

Commonwealth Council on Aging

Angela Harper*

Markel Corporation*

Belinda and Tony McDowell*

Leslie Olma

Paul and Nancy Springman*


Gifts of $1000 - $4999

Melissa Andrews

Sherman Burroughs*

Community Foundation for a greater Richmond*

Fidelity Charitable*

Scott Hammer*

Mike and Susie Haubenstock*

Linda and Haden Kefauver

Juanita Leatherberry*

Nancy McMahon*

Mutual Assurance Society of Virginia Fund*

Carolyn and Gary Pitts

Ranny and Barbara Robertson

Patricia Thaxton

Richard Waugh

Gifts of $500 - $999

Bank of America Matching Gifts Program*

Dr. James Doering*

Bruce and Janet Kay*

Dickie and Nancy Layne

Kistie Patch*

Linda and Dick Bunce*

John David Kalbfleisch

Catherine Sharon Kalbfleisch

Robert and Mary Grattan

William Pitts

Joann Reynolds and John Roach

Saint Peter Baptist Church*

Michael and Patricia White*

Gifts of $250 - $499

Janet Beauchamp

Latasha Rasberry

Janice Meck

Bill and Teri Fleming*

William & Diane Long

Phil Harris

Michael and Brenda HuYoung*

Rick Ashauer

Amy Holland*

Claudia Leighty

Betty West

Dorothy Carter

Jessica Smith

Fay Chelmow

Syeda Mleeha Shah

Jerome Bernstein and Toby Rosenthal

Lynn Tomlin

Charles and Sally Bingley

Joe and Susie Crenshaw*

Judith Ewart*

David and Elaine Fishman

Barbara and Michael Mandel*

Cicely and Kenneth Powell

Georgette Richards*

Maurice and Janie Schwarz


Gifts of $100 - $249

Addison D. Askew

Deborah Atkinson

Jonathan Austin*

Jim and Allison Bagby*

Blanche Baird

Gracie Barker

Beth Bickford*

Janine Bloomer

Jean and David Blunt

Grant Bomberger

Danita Bosher

Patty Braswell

Geneva Briggs

Birgitt Brown

Mr Mike Burke

Wesley Butterfield

David Campbell

Keith and Pam Carney*

Scott and Roxana Caulkins

Amy Clark

Christine Clarke

Emily Cole

Phyllis Crutchfield

Bridget Cunningham

Marion Dieterich*

Edward Drachman

Joseph Durrett

Joan Dyer

James and Carol Eppes

Peter Ericson

Joanne Fairbanks

Lynda Feldman

Richard and Molly Fuller

Andrea and Scott Garka

Thomas Garner

Lorraine Geiger

Rebecca Gibbs

Jill Goodman

Bruce and Barbara Greenawalt*

Mary Lou and Claude Stocky*

Sarah Harriman

William Haver

Ginny and Kenneth Heatwole

William Heisey

Rose and Sheldon Herold*

Joan Hines

Sheila Kleff Holland

Shirlene Howard*

George Hsu

Mrs. Anne Huvard

Susan Jacobson

Jennifer Katz

Angela Keefe-Thomas

Raymond and Yvonne Kot

Kimbrely Lenhart

Midge Liggan*

Caroline Lingerfelt

Tom Link and Mary Anna Link

Elizabeth Loy

Melinda Martin

Laura May

Phyllis McCafferty

Deniese Melenbrink

Linda Miles

Mary Millhiser

Sharyn and Gerald Milsky

Virginia Nelson

Patricia and Allan Noel

Charles Norris and Kathy Emerson

John B Paine

Ethel Lee Patch

Susan Adolf

Patricia Peregoy

Ms Linda Pike

Lynn Pregler

Nancy Pridgen

Dr. Jennifer Reid

Patsy Hayden

Anne Rickman

Harold Rohrs

Julie Saunders

Hilary Scherer

Eileen and Chuck Schilken*

Monte Shorte

Sandra Smith

William Smith

Wendy Sprout

Jennifer St Clair

Kirsten Stearns

Michael Thaler

Bess Traylor

Faye Traylor

Shannon Joyce

Dennis Lieberman and Patricia Vastano*

Pratibha Vohra

Leah Wacksman

Joe Walton

John Wharton

Eugene and Bonnie Wiginton

Dave Williams

Kelly Williamson

Louis Wilson*

Deborah Wilson

Judy Wilson

Elias and Anna Winburne

Kathi Wong

Virginia Wood

Ellen Woodburn

Nancy Yunker

Teresa Zimmermann

Gifts of $25 - $99

Lynn and Jason Abraham

Gary Akers

Rick Albee

Judith Alexander

Bernice Allen

Jean Austin

Barbara Bachrach

Janet Barnes

Barbara Bass

Coral Baumgarner

Benevity - Altria Employee Matching Gifts

Janet Bishop

Barbara Bivens

Rob Blackmore

Raymond Blum

Steven Bordeaux

Holly Borden

Kathryn Boyce

Roberta Boyd

Pamela Bradley

James Braith

Elaine Braud

Sandra Bravo

Jacqueline Brophy

Alyse Brown

Vivienne Brown

Susan Buffington

Eugene Bush

Charmaine Castillo

Judith Castleman

William Cavender

David Charbonneau

Leona Chase

Henry and Genevieve Chenault

Tonita Christmas

Robert Clifton

Debra Coffey

Lawrence Cogut

Gail Cole

Alan and Frona Colker*

William Cook

James Cooper

Davia Cunero

Randall Cutler

Madelyn Dantona

Al Davis

John Davis

Nancy Deane

Ed Deckert

Garrie and John Denson

Lauren Dern

Kathryn DiPasqua

Ann Domyan

Terry Duby

Donnette Dunfee

Mr. Ronnie Eades

Gerlinde Edwards

Donna Epps

Ms. Virginia Ewell

Elizabeth Farrar

Marilyn Flax

Mrs. Shelley Fulleborn

Miles Gilbert

Rita Gilman

Diane Greggs

Jane Griffin

Rebecca Grizzard

Susan Hale

Bill and Karen Haneke

Katie Hannett

Anthony Hardy

John Harmon

Gregg Harris

Sandra Harris

Patricia Hasty

Ann Hill

Suzette Hoctor*

Amanda Honaker

Mrs. Mary Hubbard

Kenneth Hubona

Melinda Hurst

Ed and Maxine Hutchinson

Henry Jacocks*

Patricia Jarman*

Deborah Jeter

Elizabeth Jewett

Deborah Johnson

Rebecca Johnston

Donald Jordan

Jennifer Justice

Claire Kaugars*

Jack Keller

Mara Kelly

Lucy Kilpatrick

Deborah Koslovic

Nancy Kraus

Kathleen Kreutzer

Kroger Community Rewards*

Richard Kuhn

Sally Lawson

Glenda Leabough

Don LeMond

Werner Lichtenstein

Mrs. Judy Markowitz

Pat Mays

Lisa McCartney

Rachel Mcklveen

Allen McLaughlin

Jason McLavy

Lisa McVay

Lucile Miller

Cathy Morgan

Beth Naylor

Bridget Neace

Melody Neal

Sandi Nogi

Frank M Oley

Bobbi Orthaus

Rebecca Otey

Ruth Parker

Charlotte Pemberton

Ginny Perrin

Tammy Persinger

Jean Peters

Sherry Peterson

Terri Petrovits

Jane Polk

Wesley Pollard

Lissa Power-deFur

Mr. and Mr Kathy Prinz

Judy Proffitt

Richard Provost

Paul Quel

Matthew Reinstein

Martha Rhodes

Eddie Ritter

Francis Robertello

Beryl Robinson

James Rogers

Dr. Carole Royall

Marilyn Ruesch

Ann Marie Rychalski

Steven Saltzberg

Daniel Salyer

John M Samos

Joseph Sargent

Laine Satterfield

Paul Saunders

Mr. Dennis Schafer

Marjorie Scheikl

John and Suzanna Schmeelk

Jeanette Schneck

Russell Finer and Terry Schultz*

Beth Schwab

Delores Scott

Cheryl Simpson

David and Deborah Smith

Raymond Smith

Alicia Sport

Willliam Stacy

Ms. Linda Stansell

Nora Strickler

Nora Strickler

Michele Surat

Katherine Taylor

Ms. Elizabeth Tharrington

Barbara Thomas

Harriet Thomas

Robert Thomas

Susan Thomas

Maxine Thompson

Kenneth Timlin

Donna Turner

Steven Vanderhoff

Robert Vidrick

Deborah Ward

Janet Warman

Aileen Watson

Kym Weaver

Leslie Weems

Janice and Lance Weiglein

Ronald Wells

Gail Werner

Juanita Griffis White

Melissa White

Jean Whitlock

Rebecca Wickline

Kevin and Elva Wilhite*

Mary Williamson

Lois Willis

Nadine Wingfield

Ms. Cheri Wolff

Sarah Woodhouse and Stan Orchowsky

Mr. Simon Woon

Cary Worthy

Jim Wright

Tim and Deb Yuhas

The Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen has taken every effort to ensure the accuracy of this list. For inquiries, corrections, and information on making a gift, please contact Amy Holland at 804-261-6214.

Donor Benefits

Donate Online / Privileges Button

Patron (Up to $99)

Donate Online / Privileges Button

Performer ($100-$499)

Donate Online / Privileges Button

Artist's Society ($500-$1,499)

Donate Online / Privileges Button

Star Society ($1,500-$2,499)

  • 20% discount in the Atack Family Gift Shop
  • 20% discount on CACGA classes
  • Advanced ticket purchase to Center Season or 2nd Stage
  • 4 free drink vouchers during Center Season or 2nd Stage performance intermission(s)
  • 2 tickets to a performance of your choice (based on availability)
  • One signed program/poster by select performer(s)
Privileges Button

Director's Society ($2,500-$4,999)*

Privileges Button

Producer's Society ($5,000+)*

  • Producer’s Society Donors will receive Director’s Society Benefits PLUS:
  • 10 free drink vouchers during Center Season or 2nd Stage performance intermission(s)
  • 8 free tickets to a performance of your choice (based on availability)
  • Choose one 2nd Stage performance or Gumenick Family Gallery exhibit to sponsor
  • One exclusive meet-and-greet with select performer(s)
  • 50% discount on Center rental space for one private event (based on availability)
  • *Please contact: Amy Holland, CFRE (email or 804-261-6214)


Performance, Exhibition and Class Sponsorship

Sponsorship is the way corporations and foundations help The Cultural Arts Center defray the staggering costs of presenting first-class performances and exhibitions each year.  It is a flexible system of support that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your business, corporation or foundation.


The sponsorship of a performance or exhibition at The Cultural Arts Center provides your company with the opportunity to significantly enhance your corporate image and establish or maintain a presence as a committed supporter of cultural life in our community.  Your company immediately becomes identified with the first-class performance or exhibition it sponsors.  This highly visible association quickly marks you, the sponsor, as a company with a conscience a business that has an interest in enriching the quality of life in our community. That message is carried to an important audience affluent, influential, well-educated individuals who are loyal arts patrons whom advertisers continually aspire to reach.  Performance or Exhibition Sponsorship gives companies and foundations a direct line to Richmond's decision makers, leaders and professional men and women who attend and bring their children to events at The Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen.

Because The Cultural Arts Center is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, your Performance or Exhibition Sponsorship is tax deductible to the extent of the law.

Performance or Exhibition Sponsorship also provides a superior entertainment opportunity for your clients, prospects or employees.

Benefits may include some or all of the following, depending upon the size and scope of the performance or exhibition:

  • For performances, a pre-determined number of complimentary tickets with VIP seating to the event and the opportunity to purchase additional tickets at a 15% discount. For exhibitions, a private gallery opening for you and your guests. Title or credit page listing in the performance program or exhibition catalog, as available. A full-page ad or insert in all copies of the performance program or exhibition catalog. Acknowledgement in all print advertising in the Richmond Times-Dispatch promoting the performance or exhibition. Recognition on The Cultural Arts Center's web site and in the Annual Report.
  • Opportunity to host a private reception at The Cultural Arts Center for your clients and friends.  The artists or curator will be available to attend.  The Cultural Arts Center staff will offer their services to help coordinate the event.  Use of the facilities is included in the cost of your sponsorship.  Catering costs are additional.

Performance, Exhibition or Class Sponsorship Costs

The cost of sponsoring a performance, exhibition or class at The Cultural Arts Center varies according to the type, size and scope of the event, the popularity of the event, and the venue or gallery in which it is presented.  Sponsorship costs range from $1,000 to $25,000. Specific proposals are coordinated by the Development Director at The Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen, development@artsglenallen.com or (804) 261-6214.

The right of first refusal will be given to current Performance, Exhibition and Class Sponsors at The Cultural Arts Center.

Questions: Please contact Amy Holland, CFRE, Development Director, (804) 261-6214.

The Cultural Arts Center’s Programs are generously supported by:

The Center sponsors
How your gift helps:

$25 supplies an art kit for a child, teen, or senior

$50 provides a child one day of Art Matters Summer Camp

$100 underwrites one theatre class session for 12 teens

$250 offers a 6-week class scholarship for a teen

$300 provides a fully stocked art cart for a senior community

$500 produces one student theatre production

Learn more about our outreach work here.

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